Wednesday, November 7, 2018


FEVER TREATMENT: 5 Surprising Natural Ways To Get Rid of Fever

Looking for a Fever Treatment? You May Consider these 5 Surprising Natural Ways

FEVER TREATMENT – Here is a list of five(5) surprising natural ways to treat fever.
No one is exempted from fever most especially that it is a usual companion of other sickness or diseases. Surely, most people have experienced this ill feeling wherein your body is very warm but you feel so cold.
Usually, when fever happens to us, we will instantly look for over-the-counter treatments. We often disregard the natural ways on how to cool ourselves.
While over-the-counter treatments may also help, there are natural remedies that can actually spare us from their side effects. Do you want to know about fever treatment in a natural way?

Fever Treatment
Photo Courtesy of Medical News Today

Based on an article on Best Health Mag, here is a list of five(5) ways on how to treat fever naturally.
Taking a bath in a lukewarm water can help bring your body temperature down. It is also advised that you do “sponge bath” – tapping the sponge on areas where intense heat are residing like the armpits and the groin.
2. Add cayenne pepper to your foog
Based on the article, one of the ingredients of cayenne pepper is capsaicin which can make you sweat thus releasing the heat from your body. It also promotes fast circulation of blood.
3. Drinking Tea: Based on the article, another natural fever treatment involves soaking the socks in cold water. First, put your feet in hot water and then dip your thin socks in cold water. Prepare another set of dry socks.
Wear the wet socks before sleeping at night and then put on the dry socks. It can help relieve fever by drawing blood to the feet.
5. Keep yourself hydrated
To most sickness and diseases, drinking enough water helps a lot. Aside from water, you may also drink sports drinks like Gatorade or some orange juice which are high in Vitamin C to boost your immune system.

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